Tuesday 27 November 2012

Web Design Final Crit

In todays crit session we looked at our mock up home pages for our history of brief. I found this session really helpful overall. I was sceptical at first as I wasn't overly happy with my design or how easy it is to create and navigate. I came up with a few ideas and played about with the textures to kind of create a natural earthy feel. I definitely have some work to do improving the visual qualities I feel as this looks a bit childish and a bit too in your face I think.

 I am quite happy with the layout but I need I dont think it looks makeshift enough.
 I think the border spoils the layout a bit.
I added a texture to the image and also a reggae border round the circle which
I feel represents the theme slightly better.
Roll over Images
 Wire Frame - I just worked out the pixels for each aspect of the design.
 Although the colours are relevant I think it looks too childish to be honest

Crit Feed Back


Background looks great
History and Artists are good Icons
Strong concept for website with a clear audience.
Icons music and Festivals work well.
Navigation seems well organised and useable.
Information proposed on the site would be useful to the audience to educate and inform them.

Areas for Improvement

The style of the website is slightly childish at the moment in terms of the bright colours, circles + icons, which slightly contradicts the primary audience who would take an interest in the music.
Music buttons looks too much like itunes - needs changing
Gradients make it look a bit tackier - push the wood texture theme.
Music and festival Icons need to be clearer.
Icons need to be more specific.
Type face for icons are too condensed. Consider alternative text.
Need to keep the consistency of the website even.
Need some kind of introduction and information about the site
What is it for? Who's it for? Why?
What is the purpose of the circle will it be repeated throughout the site?

Action Plan

I need to sort out by buttons, change the symbols and change the font used.
Also edit the gradients on the icons, need to play about and see what works.
I also want to try and get more wooden textures involved as it does like a bit childish.
I want to add some shadows and different tones to make the icons stand out and look less tacky.
I need to plan out the other pages and work out how to add a music player to the site.

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